
John Carmack's QuakeCon 2005 keynote

おぉ、まもなくQuake IIIのソースコードが公開されるようです。ライセンスはGPLになる模様。

In a move intended to address this situation, Carmack announced that id Software will, very shortly, be making the source code for Quake III Arena available to the public under the GNU General Public License. This release will include not just the game code, but the development utilities, as well. Carmack looked forward to the possibility of a company doing commercial development work with the engine and actually shipping a game with source code on the CD, as required by the terms of the GPL.

Quake IIの時のように、DELPHIへの変換が行われるのでしょうか。
Quake IIIはどうなっているんだろう・・・。